View the 2024 Agenda | The Mental Health and Wellness Policing Summit | A FRA Conference


The Mental Health and Wellness Policing Summit
November 17-19, 2024
Atlanta, GA


Sunday - November 17, 2024

12:00 PM 5:00 PM

11:00 AM 4:00 PM

10:00 AM 3:00 PM

9:00 AM 2:00 PM

6:00 PM 11:00 PM

Registration Desk

Pre-Conference Workshop Registration Desk Hours: 12:00PM - 4:00PM

Additional Registration Required


Main Conference Registration Desk Hours: 4:00PM - 5:00PM

1:00 PM 2:15 PM

12:00 PM 1:15 PM

11:00 AM 12:15 PM

10:00 AM 11:15 AM

7:00 PM 8:15 PM

Preconference Workshop: Creating an Environment that Supports Mental Health – PART 1

Additional Registration Required

  • Explore options for assistance and discover strategies for building a strong peer support network
  • Learn how to navigate conversations about addiction and sexual harassment, ensuring they are handled with sensitivity and care
  • Foster a culture of openness and support that encourages seeking help and building resilience
  • Understand the importance of creating a supportive environment where everyone feels safe discussing their struggles with trauma
  • Discuss and normalize the range of responses – whether to report or not – and how to support yourself and others through these experiences

2:15 PM 2:45 PM

1:15 PM 1:45 PM

12:15 PM 12:45 PM

11:15 AM 11:45 AM

8:15 PM 8:45 PM

Networking Break for Workshop Attendees

2:45 PM 4:00 PM

1:45 PM 3:00 PM

12:45 PM 2:00 PM

11:45 AM 1:00 PM

8:45 PM 10:00 PM

Preconference Workshop: Creating an Environment that Supports Mental Health – PART 2

Additional Registration Required

  • Gain practical coping mechanisms that can be integrated into daily routines to help you manage stress and trauma
  • Learn about the impact of second-hand trauma, especially those in peer support roles, and discover effective strategies to manage and mitigate its effects, ensuring mental well-being and sustained job performance
  • Remove the stigma and normalize therapy to facilitate healing and provide ongoing support

4:00 PM 5:00 PM

3:00 PM 4:00 PM

2:00 PM 3:00 PM

1:00 PM 2:00 PM

10:00 PM 11:00 PM

Networking Cocktail Reception for All Conference Attendees

Join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and face-to-face networking with peers.


Monday - November 18, 2024

7:50 AM 6:00 PM

6:50 AM 5:00 PM

5:50 AM 4:00 PM

4:50 AM 3:00 PM

1:50 PM 12:00 AM

Registration Desk

Registration Desk Hours: 7:50AM - 6:00PM

7:50 AM 6:30 PM

6:50 AM 5:30 PM

5:50 AM 4:30 PM

4:50 AM 3:30 PM

1:50 PM 12:30 AM

Exhibit Hall Open

7:50 AM 8:50 AM

6:50 AM 7:50 AM

5:50 AM 6:50 AM

4:50 AM 5:50 AM

1:50 PM 2:50 PM

Networking Breakfast

8:50 AM 9:00 AM

7:50 AM 8:00 AM

6:50 AM 7:00 AM

5:50 AM 6:00 AM

2:50 PM 3:00 PM

Welcome Remarks and Day One Takeaways

9:00 AM 10:00 AM

8:00 AM 9:00 AM

7:00 AM 8:00 AM

6:00 AM 7:00 AM

3:00 PM 4:00 PM

The Essentials of Effective Peer Support Programs

  • Learn how to train and equip peer support team members
  • Assess the elements of a successful support program
  • Review metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of a program

10:00 AM 10:45 AM

9:00 AM 9:45 AM

8:00 AM 8:45 AM

7:00 AM 7:45 AM

4:00 PM 4:45 PM

Mentoring for Mental Wellness

  • Explore the role of experienced officers in mentoring newcomers
  • Learn effective communication techniques for knowledge transfer
  • Discuss the benefits of mentorship programs for mental wellness

10:45 AM 11:05 AM

9:45 AM 10:05 AM

8:45 AM 9:05 AM

7:45 AM 8:05 AM

4:45 PM 5:05 PM

Networking Break

11:05 AM 11:50 AM

10:05 AM 10:50 AM

9:05 AM 9:50 AM

8:05 AM 8:50 AM

5:05 PM 5:50 PM

Proactive Approaches to Preventing and Managing PTSD

  • Explore evidence-based approaches to PTSD prevention
  • Understand the role of early intervention
  • Discuss strategies for creating a PTSD-aware department


Dan Willis, Captain (Retired), International Instructor


11:50 AM 12:35 AM

10:50 AM 11:35 PM

9:50 AM 10:35 PM

8:50 AM 9:35 PM

5:50 PM 6:35 AM

Fit for Duty: Enhancing Officer Wellness Through Physical Fitness

  • Discuss the connection between physical fitness and mental health
  • Review examples of successful fitness initiatives
  • Discuss ways to motivate officers to participate in fitness programs

12:35 PM 1:50 PM

11:35 AM 12:50 PM

10:35 AM 11:50 AM

9:35 AM 10:50 AM

6:35 PM 7:50 PM

Networking Lunch

1:50 PM 2:35 PM

12:50 PM 1:35 PM

11:50 AM 12:35 PM

10:50 AM 11:35 AM

7:50 PM 8:35 PM

Data-Driven Wellness: Utilizing Data to Improve Mental Health Programs

  • Discuss the connection between physical fitness and mental health
  • Review examples of successful fitness initiatives
  • Discuss ways to motivate officers to participate in fitness programs

2:35 PM 3:20 PM

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

12:35 PM 1:20 PM

11:35 AM 12:20 PM

8:35 PM 9:20 PM

Trauma-Informed Policing: Developing a Comprehensive Approach

  • Explore the principles of trauma-informed care in law enforcement
  • Discover training and resources needed to support this type of initiative
  • Discuss the benefits of a trauma informed approach for officers and the community

3:20 PM 3:50 PM

2:20 PM 2:50 PM

1:20 PM 1:50 PM

12:20 PM 12:50 PM

9:20 PM 9:50 PM

Networking Break

3:50 PM 4:35 PM

2:50 PM 3:35 PM

1:50 PM 2:35 PM

12:50 PM 1:35 PM

9:50 PM 10:35 PM

Breaking Barriers: Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Law Enforcement

  • Examine the root causes of mental health stigma within law enforcement
  • Discover strategies to reduce stigma and promote openness
  • Outline steps to create a stigma free environment

4:35 PM 5:20 PM

3:35 PM 4:20 PM

2:35 PM 3:20 PM

1:35 PM 2:20 PM

10:35 PM 11:20 PM

Building a Mental Health Crisis Response Team

  • Explore the components of an effective mental health crisis response team
  • Learn how to train officers for crisis intervention
  • Review case studies of successful crisis response teams

5:20 PM 5:30 PM

4:20 PM 4:30 PM

3:20 PM 3:30 PM

2:20 PM 2:30 PM

11:20 PM 11:30 PM

Closing Remarks

5:30 PM 6:30 PM

4:30 PM 5:30 PM

3:30 PM 4:30 PM

2:30 PM 3:30 PM

11:30 PM 12:30 AM

Networking Cocktail Reception

Join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and face-to-face networking with peers. 

Tuesday - November 19, 2024

8:00 AM 11:00 AM

7:00 AM 10:00 AM

6:00 AM 9:00 AM

5:00 AM 8:00 AM

2:00 PM 5:00 PM

Registration Desk

Registration Desk Hours: 8:00AM - 11:00AM

8:00 AM 1:30 PM

7:00 AM 12:30 PM

6:00 AM 11:30 AM

5:00 AM 10:30 AM

2:00 PM 7:30 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

8:00 AM 9:00 AM

7:00 AM 8:00 AM

6:00 AM 7:00 AM

5:00 AM 6:00 AM

2:00 PM 3:00 PM

Networking Breakfast

9:00 AM 9:10 AM

8:00 AM 8:10 AM

7:00 AM 7:10 AM

6:00 AM 6:10 AM

3:00 PM 3:10 PM

Opening Remarks and Day One Takeaways

9:10 AM 9:55 AM

8:10 AM 8:55 AM

7:10 AM 7:55 AM

6:10 AM 6:55 AM

3:10 PM 3:55 PM

Transforming Organizational Culture for Wellness

  • Outline actionable steps to cultivate a positive organizational culture
  • Learn how to shift to a supportive work culture
  • Discover specific cultural practices that enhance well-being


Marvin “Ben” Haiman, Former Chief of Staff

Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department

9:55 AM 10:40 AM

8:55 AM 9:40 AM

7:55 AM 8:40 AM

6:55 AM 7:40 AM

3:55 PM 4:40 PM

Deep Dive: Building Robust Family Support Systems

  • Outlines strategies for overcoming barriers to family engagement
  • Review successful family support initiatives and their outcomes
  • Understand the psychological benefits of family involvement

10:40 AM 11:00 AM

9:40 AM 10:00 AM

8:40 AM 9:00 AM

7:40 AM 8:00 AM

4:40 PM 5:00 PM

Networking Break

11:00 AM 11:45 AM

10:00 AM 10:45 AM

9:00 AM 9:45 AM

8:00 AM 8:45 AM

5:00 PM 5:45 PM

Suicide Awareness and Prevention: Proactive Approaches

  • Identify early warning signs of suicidal ideation among officers
  • Review intervention strategies to support at-risk individuals
  • Learn about successful suicide prevention programs in law enforcement

11:45 PM 12:30 PM

10:45 PM 11:30 AM

9:45 PM 10:30 AM

8:45 PM 9:30 AM

5:45 AM 6:30 PM

Recruitment Strategies: Attracting the Right Talent

  • Highlight innovative recruitment strategies focused on wellness
  • Learn about effective screening techniques for mental health
  • Review the impact of recruitment practices on officer retention

12:30 PM 1:30 PM

11:30 AM 12:30 PM

10:30 AM 11:30 AM

9:30 AM 10:30 AM

6:30 PM 7:30 PM

Networking Lunch

1:30 PM 2:15 PM

12:30 PM 1:15 PM

11:30 AM 12:15 PM

10:30 AM 11:15 AM

7:30 PM 8:15 PM

The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health

  • Highlight the connection between diet and mental wellness
  • Discuss strategies for integrating nutrition into wellness initiatives
  • Understand the impact of healthy eating on stress and performance

2:15 PM 3:00 PM

1:15 PM 2:00 PM

12:15 PM 1:00 PM

11:15 AM 12:00 PM

8:15 PM 9:00 PM

Community Connections: Leveraging Resources for Officer Wellness

  • Discover community resources that can support officer wellness
  • Learn how to build partnerships with local organizations
  • Discuss the benefits of community involvement in wellness programs

3:00 PM 3:10 PM

2:00 PM 2:10 PM

1:00 PM 1:10 PM

12:00 PM 12:10 PM

9:00 PM 9:10 PM

Closing Remarks